Beginners Guide GGE



The players who will start or have started playing recently and not completed the tutorial please read all the tutorials so you can understand the buildings, objectives, how to play and many more important things. NEVER!!!! Ignore these Tutorials or you can never learn properly how to manage things. Many beginners ask me how to do this, how to that, etc.
Please complete level 25 as fast as you can and attack robber baron castle so many times that at least 3 RBCs come to level 15. Build as many guardhouses, taverns you can (as afterwards they take many hrs to build) but first build 8 farm house and 5 woodcutters and stonemasons and 10 dwellings. Please upgrade all your buildings when you can and if you have no resources attack RBC's or attack your neighbour and get resources but only if you can espionage them. Another simple way to get resources is to do the entire task in the task book.


After this you are able to capture an Op. Many players think that they should capture 1 food op, 1 wood op & 1 stone op but as you will get to higher levels you need lots of food. If you want to capture your first Op then always capture a food Op and try to capture shining food Op as they have bigger farms which will give you more food but if there is not then take simple Op. Never cap anybodies other op as after capturing 50% of buildings are lost and will be converted into ruins. If the op is of higher level you can take chance. Each op provides two type of resource production like 1 food op can provide food production and stone production. So capture 2 Food ops with stone and capture 1 Wood op or Vice Versa. In Future you will need only food op because resources will be looted by your soldiers and you have no problem in getting these. For resources attack the nearest RBC from your op or as I said attack your 'WEAK' neighbours if any or ask your neighbours to trade resources in the place of food. They will surely agree. Build 8 farmhouses in the simple Food OP and 12 in shining food op and build 6 Stonemasons or Woodcutters (depending on the op) & upgrade it as much as you can and never forget to build and upgrade your barracks, storehouses, palace, walls, marketplace, stables & towers.


Save as much rubies you can and don't waste them in the skipping of building time of buildings, fast your army or agents and making more soldiers, save them for future use. They will be very important in future.


Make as big army as you can and constantly continue attack on RBCs, these will provide you coins and rubies. Build a very large army of mace mans and cross bowman at least 100 each. This will help you to increase your Power Points.


I will advise you to never build your own alliance and try to join in a sub powerful ally who is in Top 25. They will only take you in if you have good Power Points & glory Points. Joining alliance will give you security and many more facilities. You can build an ally when you cross level 70.


When you will be on level 25 a new land called 'Everwinter Glacier' will open. You will need resources and coins to open it. After opening build 4 farmhouses and 3 woodcutters and 3 stonemasons. Send soldiers from your MC to the Ice castle if you have more. Build store house of maximum level and take RV (Resource Village) from the players who are weak but before attacking see their alliance.

You have done & understand everything and now I cannot teach you anymore. So best of luck.


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